====== OpenVPN Bridge to Another Country ====== Certain content is only available to other country's IP addresses. Set up a Virtual Access Point on your DD-WRT router which is bridged to an OpenVPN server in the other country. The focus here will be configuring the client bridge on your router. I am assuming you already have the server portion configured and working with IP masquerading (NAT) configured.

1. Use easy-rsa scripts to generate a new client certificate on the OpenVPN server.

Edit the file 'vars' to set sane defaults like setting the expiry to 10 years rather than the default 1 year.

root@openvpn:/etc/openvpn/easy-rsa# ./build-key nexus.mrzesty.net Generating a 1024 bit RSA private key .................++++++ ...................++++++ ... Certificate is to be certified until Mar 16 16:49:28 2020 GMT (3650 days) Sign the certificate? [y/n]:y 1 out of 1 certificate requests certified, commit? [y/n]y Write out database with 1 new entries Data Base Updated Copy the resulting private key nexus.mrzesty.net.key, certificate nexus.mrzesty.net.crt and CA cert ca.crt from the keys/ directory to the client. 3. Create the new Virtual Interface on your local DD-WRT router. Go to and Add a new Virtual Interface wl0.1.

Configure WPA2 wireless security on your new Virtual wireless.

4. Create a new ethernet bridge on your router and assign the new Virtual Interface wl0.1 to the new bridge br1. Assign an IP of 192.168.x.2. 192.168.x.1 will be on the OpenVPN server, assigned to the tap0 interface there.

/etc/network/interfaces on Debian/Ubuntu:

auto tap0 iface tap0 inet static pre-up /usr/sbin/openvpn --mktun --dev tap0 address 192.168.x.1 netmask 5. Add an additional DHCP server on the Setup -> Networking page for the bridge br1. 6. Configure the DHCP server to hand out 192.168.x.1 as the gateway IP to clients.

-> DNSmasq

dhcp-option=br1,3, 7. Configure the OpenVPN client of the DD-WRT router If you SSH to the router, the resulting configuration file should look like:

root@DD-WRT:/tmp/openvpncl# cat openvpn.conf

client dev tap proto udp remote 1194 resolv-retry infinite nobind persist-key persist-tun tun-mtu 1500 tun-mtu-extra 32 mssfix 1450 ca /tmp/openvpncl/ca.crt cert /tmp/openvpncl/client.crt ns-cert-type server key /tmp/openvpncl/client.key comp-lzo 8. Reboot the router and add the tap0 interface to the new bridge br1. I was not able to do this in the web interface, I ran the following from the SSH shell instead: root@DD-WRT:~# brctl add br1 tap0 You will want to have this command run when the router reboots, so add to nvram rc_startup. I use 60 seconds so the OpenVPN tunnel has enough time to start. nvram set rc_startup=" sleep 60 ip link set tap0 up brctl addif br1 tap0 " (You can also set the startup via the web interface on ) Verify the Current Bridging Table on the page is correct, so that tap0 is now bridged to your Virtual AP wl0.1. Current Bridging Table Bridge Name STP enabled Interfaces br0 no vlan1 eth1 br1 no wl0.1 tap0